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How Do I Measure Up?

Erotic Blogger: Kasia Kaoir

Updated: Jan 3, 2020

Being Masturbated Can Be So Much More Enjoyable.
How would you describe your ROCK?

You are all sooo uniquely different in your own grand way. So why is it important to you that your rock be a certain size? If "Size doesn't matter" then what does?

I've a listed a few names that some of my buddies may be able to identify themselves with. This as nothing to do with inches. This totally for fun!

Nervous rock: The one that gets a little gun shy when he meets someone new.

Enthusiastic rock: The one that gets overly excited. Pow Pow!

Horny rock: The one that walks around rock hard all day.

Stamina rock: The one that never wants it to end.

Thinking rock: The one that tries so hard to last that he misses the train.

V rock: The one that always stays hard no matter what.

Keeping it real with,

Kasia. K

Note: Show your love and hit the love heart icon on my blog page.


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